The Foreign Trade Committee of the smart home industry association

To carry out foreign trade business to help members of intelligent Home Furnishing Industry Association Committee of foreign trade enterprises to better understand the overseas market, the trade consultation and rules on the foreign trade enterprises, strengthen risk prevention, February 21st, intelligent Home Furnishing Industry Association Committee of foreign trade organization into our home landscaping private museum activities, and organize trade exchange business.

Foreign exchange business to beautify the furniture company conference room held, presided over by the association of foreign trade adviser to Mr. Zhu Hongyao, the analysis and Countermeasures of 2017 foreign trade opportunities and challenges, the introduction of India strategic cooperation projects and how to develop the local market, and discuss the future Association member enterprise cooperation as India developers in the supply chain.

▲Mr. Zhu Hongyao, senior economist, delivered a speech entitled "macro economic trends and opportunities in the 2017"

▲Chen Weiheng, chairman of Chen Weiheng (right three), leads the foreign trade leaders of various enterprises to visit the association of Longjiang (beautification) experience Museum
